ESL by Carolyn. Challenge 23 – mixed questions

  1. 3. Before October.
  2. 6. Checkout.
  3. 9. ***** and conditions.
  4. 11. Fast food, potato, yummy.
  5. 13. A small programme on a computer or phone. There are many of them.
  6. 14. Identical.
  7. 15. **** I was young, I always thought…
  8. 19. I waited until he *** ******** eating – and then I told him.
  9. 22. ******* are so delicious. They are often served with ice-cream and strawberries.
  10. 23. This causes climate-change.
  11. 24. Easy.
  12. 26. Never before, first time. It’s *************.
  13. 27. Australia is a very ***** cultural country.
  14. 30. Trousers. (Not underwear).
  15. 32. Too much! There was ** much food, we couldn’t eat it all.
  16. 34. Summer *** so humid this year.
  17. 36. He has a very loud *****.
  18. 37. My back hurts, so I have a **** ****. Two words.
  19. 38. I always ****** ** learn English. (two words, past).
  20. 39. This is a natural disaster.
  21. 41. The capital of Australia.
  22. 43. We often travel with one or two of these. Plural.
  23. 45. The subject causes public disagreement, so it must be *************.
  24. 46. Not high.
  25. 48. We stayed there until we *** ***** all the food.
  26. 50. A popular mobile device.
  27. 54. ** home.
  28. 55. We waited until the band *** ******* - and then we left.
  29. 58. Most Latin Americans speak *******.
  30. 62. Space or an area. A place in a house or apartment.
  31. 63. Apple pies are usually ***** in the oven.
  32. 65. Do you count *****?
  33. 66. A broken heart. Two words.
  34. 67. When we get old, we must think about this.
  1. 1. Question.
  2. 2. I **** it would rain!
  3. 3. My stomach hurts so I have a ******* ****. Two words.
  4. 4. I woke up quite ***** this morning.
  5. 5. **** fires are common in Australia. Americans call then wildfires.
  6. 7. Many Asians use these to eat their food with.
  7. 8. I don’t **********.
  8. 10. Now.
  9. 12. Australia is a multi-cultural and ******* country.
  10. 16. I need to buy a new ******. (furniture).
  11. 17. **** home.
  12. 18. My neighbour’s dog ****** all night.
  13. 20. The answer.
  14. 21. I’m a bit **** today. Feeling sad.
  15. 25. What’s the *********** today? It feels hot.
  16. 28. McDonalds in Australia.
  17. 29. ** home.
  18. 31. I can *** quite well. ***ing is a hobby for me. I have a good ***ing machine.
  19. 33. Cold, sweet, delicious and so popular.
  20. 35. My head hurts so I have a **** ****. Two words.
  21. 40. An annoying and unwanted animal. (Sometimes children).
  22. 42. Apple ***. Meat ***. Yummy.
  23. 44. I have two sons and one ********.
  24. 46. it’s ****! Let’s go home, I’m tired.
  25. 47. Won.
  26. 49. ******* disaster.
  27. 51. Think.
  28. 52. **** home.
  29. 53. The **** was so strong today. It’s been very ****y all week.
  30. 56. My neighbour’s *** barked all night.
  31. 57. Over-******* is becoming a problem in the world. (related to travel).
  32. 58. Cold, white, beautiful.
  33. 59. Many people count this as they walk.
  34. 60. Natural *********.
  35. 61. We scan this to connect to a website. A code.
  36. 64. Spring is a time where we see ******* everywhere.