ESL5 Review Crossword 19/11

  1. 1. Hey, I lost my skeleton. I want to ____ it.
  2. 5. Teacher, please help me! I don't ____ the question.
  3. 9. Only a little money.
  4. 10. I watched this on TV yesterday.
  5. 11. Be quiet! You are making too much ____ in the classroom.
  6. 12. It can get dark at 4 o'clock during winter, but during summer, it's ____.
  7. 14. Don't ____ you can't speak Chinese.
  8. 17. Where are we?
  1. 1. If everyone knows who you are, you are ____.
  2. 2. He said that already. Say something ____.
  3. 3. The Earth is a ____.
  4. 4. When you dance, your arms often ____ a lot.
  5. 6. This person studies many things and wears a white coat.
  6. 7. During dinner, I was ____ing about being a dinosaur and eating someone.
  7. 8. The cold part of the year.
  8. 13. I want to be ____ so I can buy 40 Mazdas.
  9. 15. We live in Taiwan. Taiwan is on ____.
  10. 16. I found some hard gray ____ on the ground.