- 5. far away
- 6. something fluorescent
- 7. something we don't know but we want to know
- 9. the only fruit that belongs on a pizza
- 11. to watch something closely to see what it does
- 12. something transparent
- 15. to say that you won't do something
- 17. one single thing on its own
- 18. the north pole
- 21. a rocket might do this
- 22. someone who finds it easy to learn new things
- 1. something we do often
- 2. the edge of something
- 3. something that may be true but you don't know yet
- 4. a very cold season
- 7. comes from mammals
- 8. to say that something will happen in the future
- 10. to act as if something is happening for real but it isn't
- 11. same same but different
- 13. fast air
- 14. a trip from one place to another
- 16. you might find her on halloween
- 19. something flexible
- 20. not very much of something