Esperanza's Crossword Puzzler

  1. 2. These purple pitted fruits gave the twins stomachaches.
  2. 4. Two people who are born to the same parents on the same day.
  3. 5. This kind of transportation has many cars. It's how Esperanza traveled to California.
  4. 6. Esperanza uses the Spanish word for Grandmother, Abuelita. Abuelita's daughter is Esperanza's ________.
  5. 7. Hot and smoky, it burned down Esperanza's house.
  6. 8. Abuelita taught Esperanza this crochet stitch that goes up and down.
  7. 10. Every year for her birthday, Esperanza's father gave her a new porcelain ____ to play with.
  8. 13. The Spanish word for party sounds a little like the word "festive."
  9. 14. Be careful! Cutting this vegetable might make your eyes water and sting.
  10. 15. Happy ________ to you!
  11. 16. This nut is used to make one of Esperanza's favorite desserts, _________ flan.
  12. 19. Abuelita is the Spanish word for a mother's mother. What's the English word?
  13. 20. She's the main character in Pam Muno Ryan's book, Esperanza Rising.
  14. 22. When you gather crops you _________ them.
  1. 1. Grapes grow on a _______.
  2. 3. Workers at the camp threatened to ______, which means they would refuse to do their jobs until conditions improved.
  3. 6. Esperanza was born in this Spanish-speaking country.
  4. 9. On the ranch, Esperanza would start the harvest by cutting a bunch of these from the vine.
  5. 11. This westernmost state is where Esperanza's family worked on a farm
  6. 12. You put on a blindfold and use a stick to hit this Mexican party treat that's usually filled with candy.
  7. 17. These vegetables are used to make french fries.
  8. 18. A sweet summer fruit with pale orange flesh that contains a large pit.
  9. 21. Esperanza is worried when her mother gets _____ with Valley Fever.
  10. 23. Before they lost almost everything, Esperanza's family had so much money they were _____.