Ethan Bell IR project Boxcar Children

  1. 3. What did the children live in a ______.
  2. 4. How many kids were there _________.
  3. 8. What did the children cook stew in a ________.
  4. 9. What did the doctor take henry to a ______.
  5. 10. What did Benny find at the dump a ________.
  6. 11. What color was the boxcar _____.
  7. 12. What did their wealthy grandpa own _________.
  8. 13. Henry won money and a _____ at the race.
  9. 15. Where was the first place the children slept the _____.
  10. 17. What did their grandfather live in a _______.
  11. 19. What did the kids make their bedding out of ________.
  1. 1. What did Violet like the most ________.
  2. 2. The kids decided to name their watchdog _____.
  3. 3. What did the children get at the bakery.
  4. 5. What fruit did the children help pick for the doctor ______.
  5. 6. What was the youngest kids name ______.
  6. 7. What family member did the kids end up living with,_____.
  7. 14. What was behind the boxcar a ________.
  8. 16. What did the doctor give to Henry a _____.
  9. 18. What did Violet keep behind the waterfall _______.