Ethan's Planets Crossword

  1. 3. closest to the sun
  2. 6. what all planets are in
  3. 8. A measure of the gravitational pull on an object
  4. 11. side ways planet
  5. 14. made of fire and other planets rotate around
  6. 15. orbits around the earth
  7. 16. "red planet"
  1. 1. galaxy our universe is in
  2. 2. biggest planet in our solar system
  3. 4. holds everything together
  4. 5. dwarf planet that's not considered a planet
  5. 7. "only planet with a ring"
  6. 9. planets that supply life for all humans and also is a inner planet
  7. 10. a bound system of stars
  8. 12. Scientist who thought why objects fall
  9. 13. luminous points in the sky
  10. 15. measure by how many matter the object is made of