  1. 2. ethical theory helps in making ethical ______ on any matters that would like to be identified as right or wrong.
  2. 4. ____ Utilitarian emphasized on the greatest benefit an individual gain through his actions.
  3. 6. Root word for ethical theory from Greek ‘_____’ means a way of seeing (see/view moral phenomena)
  4. 8. deontology concentrates on the __________ & motive to determine right or wrong action.
  5. 10. Natural beings (humans, plants & ______ ) had a principle of order within them that directed them toward their goals under the maxim “the good is that at which all things aim”.
  6. 13. _____ virtue excellence of character which concerns with how one position himself in acting well.
  7. 15. ethical ______ claims that one ought to pursue one’s self interest exclusively.
  8. 17. natural law theory follows a ______ Christian tradition where Thomas Aquinas, based his perspective of natural law on a religious term in which he believed that god created the universe according to plan and thus put into the natures of things their natural orientation.
  9. 20. _____ comes from ancient Greek, ‘vir ’ referring to strength or manliness and ‘arete’ meaning excellence.
  10. 22. The moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality known as ‘_________’imperative (Johnson, 2010).
  11. 25. ______ is causes of right & wrong
  12. 27. ________is practical ethics based on the right & wrong concept
  13. 28. _____ utilitarian emphasized the adherence to rule in order to produce the greatest benefit
  14. 30. Ethical egoism endorses individual who act for their self interest for a ____ run benefit. It promotes doing good thing to oneself and avoid harming oneself.
  15. 31. Teleology originates from Greek, ______ meaning goal or end.
  16. 32. ______ is a systematic attempt to understand moral concepts and justify moral principles and theories.
  1. 1. One of the most common forms of ethical deliberation focuses on the consequences is the ______ theory.
  2. 3. in deontology theory, the only good reason for doing the right thing is because of duty, thus duty becomes the ‘________’ for an action or the key element of a decision to act (BBC, 2014)
  3. 4. Virtue ethics propose that an ethical decision is not made purely on _____ moral values but related to specific circumstances in which the decision is made (Van Staveren, 2007).
  4. 5. _________ theory is developed by Aristotle where the ethical philosophy based on nature which emphasized that goals are embedded in natural things as there was an order in nature.
  5. 7. ______ virtue excellence of mind which it concern with the ability to understand, reason and judge well.
  6. 9. _______ is consequences based
  7. 11. teleology is based on a moral judgement on the ______ of action.
  8. 12. Deontology originates from ______, deon meaning duty.
  9. 14. ___________ ethics is the study of right & wrong of human behavior
  10. 16. The main idea of utilitarianism is the Principle of Utility where an action is considered good when it _____ happiness for the society, right when it maximizes possible good for all persons affected by the action (Stewart, 1991).
  11. 17. The utilirianism theory is advocate by ______ Bentham and John Stuart Mills.
  12. 18. ______ is duty based
  13. 19. ________ is a systematic exposition of a particular view about what is the nature and basis of good or right.
  14. 21. _____ is also known an consequentialism theory.
  15. 23. ethics virtue is ______ based
  16. 24. It looks for objective, ultimate or absolute standards for assessing rightness or wrongness of human actions (______,1993).
  17. 26. _____ moral theory was advocated by Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher (1724-1804).
  18. 29. part of the formulation of the imperative in Kant's theory includes ‘Act according to the ______ that you can will to be a universal law’