
  1. 1. This type of utilitarianism claims that happiness is maximised by following the rules set in place
  2. 3. Often translated as human flourishing and well being
  3. 5. Actions which are done under compulsion or done in ignorance
  4. 8. An anti-realist theory put forward by Ayer
  5. 10. These imperatives are universal and not dependent on any conditions or desires
  6. 11. This theory claims that the use of moral judgement is to issue commands about how people should act
  7. 13. His pleasure machine is used as a criticism of psychological hedonism
  8. 14. The 'Kingdom of ends' was which formulation of the categorical imperative?
  1. 2. often interchangeable with usefulness
  2. 4. This theory claims that since we cannot universalise lying as a maxim, we should never lie and always tell the truth
  3. 6. This theory has no clear line on the death penalty
  4. 7. Pleasures of the body; e.g. having a massage
  5. 9. A principle that guides our decisions
  6. 12. Believed by some philosophers to be the ultimate goal of our actions