Ethnic Studies, Unit 0 - Foundations

  1. 1. An account of an event or series of events, usually in the form of a story
  2. 3. An attitude of favor or disfavor twoards something
  3. 6. When a single story becomes the only story, it becomes the ____ narrative.
  4. 8. opinion formed prior to actual knowledge or experience
  5. 9. This is another way to describe someone's perspective (abbreviated)
  6. 10. This is the root word for the vocabulary word that has to do with making meaning
  1. 2. A thing that is accepted as true without proof; an unexamined belief
  2. 4. A story that goes against the dominant narrative is called what?
  3. 5. One of the ways that dominant narratives achieve their dominance
  4. 7. A judgement based on personal belief or attitude