Euclid's Geometry

  1. 5. This surface causes no trouble to the straight lines that it consists of.Total harmony.
  2. 7. An endless piece of noodle in geometry. That's basically it.
  3. 8. It is a dot that is SOOOOOOOOOO small that we couldn't be bothered to give it a radius or diameter.Because of that, it is an outcast and no one wants to be a part of it.
  4. 9. This type of geometry consists of the failed attempts in trying to use 4 postulates to prove another postulate is actually a theorem. Confusing..I know
  5. 11. These are conjectures, only for geometry, that are so true that you can compare them to common sense and all the matimaticians agreed not to waste time proving them. They are like eating(you can't explain how you do it, but you know how to)
  1. 1. The one of the first things you need to know about a shape's property.
  2. 2. This a an endless stick in geometry, if I were to be literal.
  3. 3. The part of the floor that you stand on.
  4. 4. The latest trend during the time of the Greeks.
  5. 6. This is a PROVEN assumption that is proved using other assumptions. (postulates/axioms)
  6. 10. This man was so noble and kind enough to give us an entire chapter based on his work.He's boasting if you ask me.
  7. 12. These are conjectures that are basically so mind numbingly true that all the mathematicians thought that it would be stupid trying to prove them.