Europe So Far

  1. 6. Once 2 countries separated by a wall, it is now reunified
  2. 7. Bussels is this type of a city--very diverse
  3. 11. This is the #1 tourist destination in the world
  4. 14. The target of an ethnic cleansing campaign in Eastern Europe
  5. 17. A language and ethnic group found only in Spain
  6. 18. Includes countries like Finland,UK,and Iceland
  7. 19. Also known as the Emerald Isle
  8. 21. Includes countries like Belarus, Slovenia, and Ukraine
  1. 1. Invented in Finland these are a staple in every home during freezing winters
  2. 2. A major industry in Iceland
  3. 3. Switzerland is a _____ country. Meaning it doesnt take sides
  4. 4. Physical feature that is an inlet of ocean surrounded by rocky cliffs
  5. 5. Luxembourg is one of the _____ countries in Europe
  6. 8. An underground tunnel connecting France and the UK
  7. 9. Many people in Northern Europe take these to work instead of cars
  8. 10. Includes countries like Germany, France, and Belgium
  9. 12. A common physical feature in the Alpine Countries
  10. 13. Wetlands that have been turned into arable land in the Netherlands
  11. 15. 2nd longest river in Europe
  12. 16. Iceland uses these to grow crops due to their non arable land
  13. 20. Most recognizable structure in the world