Europe Test Review

  1. 3. The Triple _____________ included the United Kingdom, France, and Russia. This side was the eventual victors of the First World War
  2. 5. The _____________ Revolution was the beginning of our modern world: a world in which new ideas and new inventions would continually reshape our lives.
  3. 6. This means having no government at all.
  4. 7. Archduke Franz ____________ of Austria-Hungary was assassinated in the city of Sarajevo, setting into motion a chain of events which would plunge the world into its First World War
  5. 9. This refers to the mass killing of one specific race of people.
  6. 12. This type of government is where religious teachings and laws overtly control the government.
  7. 14. The __________ Powers included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. They would eventually lose World War I.
  8. 16. Fighter planes, tanks, flamethrowers, poison gas, and many other weapons of human destruction were first introduced in __________ War I.
  9. 24. This refers to when a stronger country uses its power to seize land or resources from less powerful countries.
  10. 25. This system of agreements in which countries promised to protect one another caused a chain reaction which saw what might have been a small war grow into the largest conflict the world had yet seen.
  11. 27. Any government that has a king or a queen and has that office passed down through the family line is this type of government.
  12. 29. The Black ___________ was a huge epidemic where somewhere between one third and more than half of all Europeans died.
  13. 30. This is any government where one person holds all the power.
  1. 1. This is a specific type of oligarchy where a small group of military men seize control of the country.
  2. 2. The Electric ___________ is the invention that allows us to easily create the electricity that we use every day.
  3. 4. This man invented the movable type printing press, which made books drastically cheaper and paved the way for a new era of sharing knowledge and learning.
  4. 8. This type of democracy is where regular citizens vote on laws themselves.
  5. 9. The Cotton ________ was a machine that removed seeds from raw cotton, thus making cotton cloth much more affordable.
  6. 10. In this type of government one person has seized control (often with the military) and controls all aspects of the government.
  7. 11. This era, whose name means “rebirth”, saw amazing works of art and a renewed interest in the classics of the Greek and Roman world.
  8. 13. The Treaty of _____________ brought an end to the First World War.
  9. 15. The __________ machine allowed garments to be stitched together much more quickly and cheaply than could ever be done by hand.
  10. 17. This type of democracy is where regular people elect presidents, senators, and others to hold offices in the government.
  11. 18. The electric _____________ tied the world together by letting people communicate easily over very long distances.
  12. 19. This empire controlled all the land around the Mediterranean Sea and had a profound impact on the history and culture of Europe.
  13. 20. The ___________ engine revolutionized the world by letting factories be placed anywhere, letting humans turn heat into work, and eventually making it possible to create vehicles that could move by themselves.
  14. 21. The Spinning ____________ allowed thread to be spun much more rapidly and efficiently than had ever been possible before.
  15. 22. The mechanical _____________ was an invention which allowed farms to harvest their crops much more rapidly.
  16. 23. The sinking of this British ship by a German submarine angered Americans and helped push America towards declaring war against Germany.
  17. 26. A country where only a small, elite few are in charge would have this type of government.
  18. 28. Any type of government where the common people can vote and their vote actually matters is this type of government.