European History Review Crossword

  1. 2. The mistreatment of the Jewish population of Europe during World War II.
  2. 4. The competition to build bigger and bigger weapons was known as the ________ Race.
  3. 5. A place where enemies of Germany were sent to during World War II was known as a concentration ______.
  4. 6. A Russian emperor.
  5. 8. The idea of nuclear superpowers being able to completely destroy each other.
  6. 13. A ruler with total power over a country, limiting peoples' rights.
  7. 14. A poor person of low social status.
  8. 15. The four letter abbreviation for the Soviet Union.
  9. 16. The person who led the communist revolution in Russia.
  10. 17. A ranking system that puts people in different classes is known as a Social _____________.
  11. 23. Not supporting or helping either side in a conflict.
  12. 24. This creates a sudden change in power. America had one in 1776.
  13. 25. How someone views something is said to be their ___________.
  1. 1. A type of government and economy where everything is supposed to be equal.
  2. 3. A small group of rich people who use the government to get richer.
  3. 4. To give into the demands of someone to avoid conflict.
  4. 7. The large super country formed after World War I.
  5. 9. The treaty that ended World War I.
  6. 10. An attempt by a few people to overthrow the government is known as a _____ d'etat.
  7. 11. A type of fighting where troops fight from long lines dug in the ground facing each other is known as ________ Warfare.
  8. 12. The leader of Germany during World War II.
  9. 18. To act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
  10. 19. The __________ Wall divided this Germany city after World war II.
  11. 20. A period of hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States was known as the _________ War.
  12. 21. A country that works together with another country.
  13. 22. Any situation in which no action can be taken and progress can't be made.