European History

  1. 3. Structure put up to separate East and West Germany after WW2.
  2. 8. Church that grew during the middle ages lead by the Pope.
  3. 9. Leader of the Frankish Empire
  4. 12. Economic Alliance created between the nations of Europe.
  5. 16. Invasions by this group lead to the fall of the Roman Empire.
  6. 17. Name of time period after the Roman Empire fell and innovation regressed.
  7. 19. Greek city-state that had the first idea of democracy.
  8. 21. Famous philosopher and scholar who created the Mona Lisa.
  9. 23. Doctrine stating that the U.S. would support Greece from falling under Soviet control.
  10. 27. Time period where new ideas were introduced to Greece through the information highway.
  1. 1. Type of government that appealed to the poor and allowed leaders with malicious intentions the reign.
  2. 2. Nations of Great Brittan, France, the United States, etc. that defeated the central powers in WW2.
  3. 4. The act of charting across the seas to colonize
  4. 5. Tensions with this middle eastern terrorist group have risen recently.
  5. 6. Process of land distribution after the fall of the Franks.
  6. 7. Sailed the ocean blue in 1492
  7. 10. Prison camps for Jews started by the Nazis and their leader Adolf Hitler.
  8. 11. Type of volunteer military that lead to the downfall of the Roman army.
  9. 13. Famous conqueror for Greece in during the Classical Period.
  10. 14. New type of warfare introduced by the U.S. in WW2.
  11. 15. Empire that rose to power in the Dark Ages.
  12. 18. Section of the Roman Empire that stayed alive after the fall.
  13. 20. Naval vessels used by Germany during WW2.
  14. 22. Time period where literature, philosophy and the arts were cherished.
  15. 23. Document that re-introduced democracy in 1215.
  16. 24. Religion that was spread during the Middle Ages through crusades.
  17. 25. Plague that killed over 1/3 of Europe's population.
  18. 26. Conflict between the United States and Russia.