- 3. Structure put up to separate East and West Germany after WW2.
- 8. Church that grew during the middle ages lead by the Pope.
- 9. Leader of the Frankish Empire
- 12. Economic Alliance created between the nations of Europe.
- 16. Invasions by this group lead to the fall of the Roman Empire.
- 17. Name of time period after the Roman Empire fell and innovation regressed.
- 19. Greek city-state that had the first idea of democracy.
- 21. Famous philosopher and scholar who created the Mona Lisa.
- 23. Doctrine stating that the U.S. would support Greece from falling under Soviet control.
- 27. Time period where new ideas were introduced to Greece through the information highway.
- 1. Type of government that appealed to the poor and allowed leaders with malicious intentions the reign.
- 2. Nations of Great Brittan, France, the United States, etc. that defeated the central powers in WW2.
- 4. The act of charting across the seas to colonize
- 5. Tensions with this middle eastern terrorist group have risen recently.
- 6. Process of land distribution after the fall of the Franks.
- 7. Sailed the ocean blue in 1492
- 10. Prison camps for Jews started by the Nazis and their leader Adolf Hitler.
- 11. Type of volunteer military that lead to the downfall of the Roman army.
- 13. Famous conqueror for Greece in during the Classical Period.
- 14. New type of warfare introduced by the U.S. in WW2.
- 15. Empire that rose to power in the Dark Ages.
- 18. Section of the Roman Empire that stayed alive after the fall.
- 20. Naval vessels used by Germany during WW2.
- 22. Time period where literature, philosophy and the arts were cherished.
- 23. Document that re-introduced democracy in 1215.
- 24. Religion that was spread during the Middle Ages through crusades.
- 25. Plague that killed over 1/3 of Europe's population.
- 26. Conflict between the United States and Russia.