European integration and Union

  1. 1. Voting process to facilitate decision-making in the Council of Ministers.
  2. 4. Number of countries signing the Treaty of Rome.
  3. 6. The nuclear power community.
  4. 7. The mechanism first proposing regional aid.
  5. 9. Principle by which Member States must accept each other's goods and services.
  6. 10. The project to allow full circulation of persons, capital, goods and services.
  7. 13. Joint tariff mechanism.
  1. 2. Town where the treaty was signed to create economic and monetary union
  2. 3. Person who first set out the idea of integration officially.
  3. 5. Term usually used to denote the United Kingdom leaving the EU.
  4. 8. Mechanism for stabilising currency movements.
  5. 11. Joint budget package to support the EU's economy following Covid-19.
  6. 12. Currency of the EU's economic and monetary union.