EV Crossword

  1. 4. Determines motor speed.
  2. 5. Controlled by varying motor frequency.
  3. 9. Powerhouse of Tesla cars.
  4. 12. Noise-free and pollution-free vehicle.
  5. 13. Process to maintain battery temperature.
  6. 14. Converts DC to AC power.
  7. 16. Slows down the vehicle.
  8. 18. Transfers power from motor to wheels.
  9. 19. Power source for electric cars.
  10. 21. Named after the famous scientist.
  11. 23. Type of rotational motion.
  12. 24. Power output of induction motors.
  13. 25. Basic units of battery packs.
  1. 1. Converts kinetic energy to electricity.
  2. 2. Tesla Model S' notable feature.
  3. 3. Distributes power to wheels evenly.
  4. 6. Part of an internal combustion engine.
  5. 7. Stationary part of the motor.
  6. 8. Rotating part of the motor.
  7. 10. Cools down heated glycol.
  8. 11. Controls traction in electric cars.
  9. 15. Rotational force produced by the motor.
  10. 17. Coolant used in battery packs.
  11. 20. Transfers power to drive wheels.
  12. 22. Arranged as detachable units in battery packs.