Eva's Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. important organ to detox part of the excretory system
  2. 10. Lack of iron in blood
  3. 12. taking in nutrition, protein, vitamins
  4. 13. simple substances to more complex
  5. 15. motion
  6. 17. balance blood sugar (glucose)
  7. 18. Lowers blood sugar
  8. 19. need iron to make it
  1. 1. tired, weigh gain
  2. 2. it tells the thyroid to release it's hormone
  3. 3. Only life process not needed for survival
  4. 4. help break things down
  5. 5. system of cell
  6. 7. They don't make it's own food
  7. 8. system of cell
  8. 9. blood back to the heart
  9. 11. requires oxygen o2
  10. 14. elimination of feces, undigested food
  11. 16. calcium, magnesium, iron