Eve' Puzzle

  1. 2. worst dinner
  2. 4. .....the vote
  3. 5. most annoying song
  4. 6. ....city, best footie team
  5. 7. exotic vacation destination
  6. 8. worl's best boyfriend
  7. 9. world's best cat
  8. 12. art's pastime
  9. 13. up and coming down low singer
  10. 17. worst xmas song
  11. 19. scary secret group
  1. 1. get out of car, say ..
  2. 2. favorite musician
  3. 3. zany comedy
  4. 10. teenage drama
  5. 11. "favorite" teacher
  6. 14. coffee mecca
  7. 15. Best baseball team
  8. 16. I need a ..... coat
  9. 18. tik tok influencer