Everything About Aldon

  1. 1. The Colorado team that won the Stanley Cup the month I was born.
  2. 5. The food mom craved while pregnant with me and one of my favorites now too
  3. 9. My diaper size
  4. 10. My least favorite thing
  5. 12. Bottle, Breast or both?
  6. 14. My favorite animal
  7. 15. Born early, due date or late?
  8. 16. My favorite fruit
  9. 17. The time of day I was born
  10. 18. My favorite color
  11. 20. My zodiac sign
  12. 22. My favorite TV show
  13. 23. My favorite game
  1. 2. My favorite food
  2. 3. I look like my dad but I have my mom's _____.
  3. 4. My middle name
  4. 6. The amount of teeth I have
  5. 7. My bedtime
  6. 8. My favorite sesame street character
  7. 11. My eye color
  8. 13. My nick name
  9. 16. The theme of my room
  10. 19. The name of my lovey
  11. 21. My first word