Everything Nani

  1. 1. Favorite day at the gym?
  2. 4. Ethnicity?
  3. 7. What does Nani want to be when she's older?
  4. 9. Premier League team?
  5. 10. Nani's fav color?
  6. 11. First name?
  7. 12. Her favorite food?
  8. 14. Biggest hobby?
  9. 18. Biggest fear?
  10. 19. Dream school?
  11. 20. Fav artist?
  1. 2. Where she was born?
  2. 3. Favorite actress growing up who was on Disney Channel?
  3. 5. How many piercings does she have?
  4. 6. Dream travel spot?
  5. 8. this actor was in Nani's favorite movie about boys in a boarding school
  6. 13. What play was she just in?
  7. 15. How old is Nani?
  8. 16. Cat's name?
  9. 17. Her middle name?