
  1. 3. Differences in physical traits of an individual from the group to which it belongs
  2. 5. Group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring
  3. 8. Ability of a trait to be passed from one generation to the next
  4. 9. Process of becoming adapted to an environment, change that improves a population's ability to survive
  5. 10. Body part that are similar in structure on different organisms but performs different functions
  6. 12. Measure of an organism's ability to survive and produce offspring relative to other members of a population
  7. 13. Group of organisms of the same species that live in a specific geographical area
  8. 15. Body part that is similar in function as a body part of another organism but is structurally different
  9. 16. Trace or remains of an organism that lived long ago
  1. 1. Model of evolution in which gradual change over a long period of time leads to biological diversity
  2. 2. Study of the geographical distribution of living organisms and fossils on Earth
  3. 4. Remnants of an organ or structure that functioned in an earlier ancestor
  4. 6. Process of change by which new species develop from preexisting species over time
  5. 7. Theory that state that natural disasters shaped Earth's landforms and caused extinction of some species
  6. 11. theory that states that the geological processes that shape Earth are uniform through time
  7. 14. Study of fossils or extinct organisms