
  1. 2. any one egg can fuse with any one sperm'
  2. 4. transfer of alleles between population (usually through migration)
  3. 6. common ancestors have same master genes
  4. 7. distribution of lifeforms over geographical areas
  5. 11. example is a footprint or faeces
  6. 14. random fluctuations in allele frequency
  7. 15. comparing rock strata to other fossils of known ages
  8. 17. how homologous chromosomes are placed and positioned in the cell
  9. 18. these structures have similar features and functionality but are unrelated
  10. 19. comparing homologous and analogous structures
  11. 20. an event that occurs in which population size is severely reduced (could be from a natural disaster)
  12. 22. large scale extinctions, following changes in selection pressures
  13. 23. occurs in prophase I of meiosis
  1. 1. pattern of biological change that results in similar anatomy even though the species is of a different evolutionary background
  2. 3. these structures have similar anatomy different functionality and same evolutionary origin
  3. 5. average rate of natural loss of a species
  4. 8. radioactive carbon is used to date fossils
  5. 9. pattern of biological change that results in different functional anatomy even though the species is from the same lineage
  6. 10. small group of individuals break away from the main population and colonize a new habitat
  7. 12. entire organisms decays but leaves external/internal surface
  8. 13. biology common ancestors have common master genes
  9. 16. individuals with a heritable trait have a higher fitness
  10. 21. total number of fossils that have been discovered