Evolution and Natural Selection

  1. 1. The transfer of genetic material from one population to another
  2. 4. A unicellular microorganism
  3. 7. The division of a single entity into tow or more parts that regenerate
  4. 11. The phenomenon when a population has a sudden reduction in the gene pool due to natural environmental events, natural disasters, disease, or human involvement
  5. 13. Changing to fit certain circumstances
  6. 15. Cells that contain a nucleus
  7. 16. reproducing where there is two separate genetic materials combined
  8. 17. When humans pick which animals and plants breed to create a specific outcome
  9. 20. Variation in the relative frequency of different genotypes
  1. 2. a process where living organisms adapt and change
  2. 3. When a species dies out
  3. 5. When bacteria cannot be killed by antibiotics
  4. 6. An infective agent
  5. 8. The reduction in genomic variability when a small group of individuals become separated from a larger population
  6. 9. reproducing with only one set of DNA
  7. 10. cells without a nucleus
  8. 12. The process of animals naturally choosing a mate
  9. 14. A formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution
  10. 18. DNA sequences
  11. 19. The branch of biology and medicine concerned with the study of embryos and their development