Evolution and Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. fossil copy of an organism in a rock
  2. 4. impression of an organism in a rock
  3. 6. preserved evidence of the activity of an organism
  4. 7. person who studies plants and animals by observing them
  5. 9. when all individuals of a species have died
  6. 10. similar cells that work together and perform a function
  7. 11. pulling force at a divergent boundary
  8. 12. the breeding of organisms for desired characteristics
  9. 16. characteristic of a species that enables the species to survive in its environment
  10. 17. set of all the fossils ever discovered on Earth
  11. 22. states that Earth’s crust is broken into rigid plates that move slowly over Earth’s surface
  12. 23. squeezing force at a convergent boundary
  1. 1. chart that divides Earth’s history into different time units
  2. 2. hypothesis stating that continents move
  3. 3. slight difference in the appearance of individual members of a species
  4. 5. boundary where two plates move apart from each other
  5. 8. resemblance of one species to another species
  6. 13. boundary where plates slide horizontally past each other
  7. 14. process by which populations of organisms with variations that help them survive in their environments live longer, compete better, and reproduce more than those that do not have the variations
  8. 15. boundary where two plates move toward each other
  9. 18. area where one plate slides under another
  10. 19. adaptation that enables species to blend in with their environments
  11. 20. change over time in populations of related organisms
  12. 21. side-by-side dragging force at transform boundaries