Evolution and Taxonomy Vocab

  1. 2. "Natural Selection cause Evolution" said ___________
  2. 6. preserved remains that prove evolution
  3. 11. ___________ causes evolution
  4. 12. wings on bats vs. wings on birds are examples of this type of evolution
  5. 13. similar structures, different functions
  6. 14. camouflage is an example of this
  7. 15. the supposed production of living organisms from nonliving matter
  8. 16. examples include little toe, wisdom teeth, your appendix
  9. 17. different structures, similar functions
  10. 19. proved that spontaneous generation was not possible
  11. 20. first to develop a theory of evolution
  12. 22. selective breeding
  13. 24. a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  1. 1. when a new species develops as a result of the environment changing
  2. 3. diverse species that have adapted to different environments ex: galapagos finches
  3. 4. evolution of a species into two new species based on geographic location
  4. 5. experimented with spontaneous generation and maggot growth
  5. 7. humans developed from apes. This is called __________
  6. 8. evolution history
  7. 9. identification, naming, and classification of species
  8. 10. evolutionary model suggesting species often diverge in spurts of relatively rapid change, followed by long periods of little change
  9. 18. change in the gene pool of a population due to chance
  10. 21. father of taxonomy
  11. 23. estimate age of organic materials