Evolution & Natural Selection

  1. 2. Natural selection ensures that only the _______ will survive long enough to pass on their genes.
  2. 6. First to realize change is the result of a species' environment, and traits are passed down to offspring.
  3. 9. Believed species were "fixed" creations arranged by their complexity.
  4. 11. Evolution is the result of ________ mutations. Organisms do not get to pick and choose their traits.
  5. 12. When a species evolves to resemble its surroundings
  6. 13. A group of organisms that share similar traits and can interbreed to create fertile offspring.
  1. 1. Stated that population size is limited by resources such as food supply.
  2. 3. Occurs as a population's genes and allele frequencies change over time.
  3. 4. When one species is able to resemble another.
  4. 5. Type of selection that is man-made and used to create better traits among crops and livestock.
  5. 6. Developed a system of grouping organisms by similarities and giving them two-word Latin names.
  6. 7. The process in which two populations of the same species diverge from one another until they can no longer interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
  7. 8. Process in which to populations of the same species begin to separate genetically as they accrue different mutations and traits.
  8. 9. Changes to an organism's phenotype that prove to be beneficial in helping it survive, acquire resources, and reproduce.
  9. 10. The islands that Darwin explored while sailing with the HMS Beagle.