Evolution & Natural Selection

  1. 5. An adaptation in which one species resembles another.
  2. 8. The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce.
  3. 9. An adaptation which allows an organism to blend into its surroundings making it less susceptible to predators.
  4. 10. Heritable changes in genetic information.
  5. 11. Body parts with similar function, but not structure.
  6. 12. Individuals with advantageous variations survive, reproduce and pass on those variations.
  7. 13. Body structure with no present day function, but useful to ancestors.
  8. 14. The “calendar” for events in Earth’s history; based on the fossil record in the rock layers.
  9. 15. Evidence of past organisms.
  10. 16. A group of individuals of the same species that live in a particular area.
  11. 17. People select individuals of a species with a particular trait(s) to breed and produce offspring.
  1. 1. A type of divergent evolution in which a species evolves into an array of species to fit a number of diverse habitats.
  2. 2. Similar structures with different functions.
  3. 3. A change in a population over time.
  4. 4. The study of an organism’s early development.
  5. 6. Observed when distantly related organisms evolve similar traits; occurs when unrelated species inhabit similar environments in different parts of the world.
  6. 7. Heritable variation that aids an organism’s chance of survival and reproduction.