Evolution of Mobile Phones - crossword

  1. 5. Martin Cooper’s workplace in 1970s.
  2. 6. Personal ... Assistant.
  3. 7. Birth place of Martin Cooper.
  4. 8. One of the most popular mobile operating systems, mostly compatible with Samsung.
  1. 1. The name of the first smartphone which was introduced in 1994 by IBM.
  2. 2. One of the first mobile phones which enabled to use a multi-touch interface. Its premiere was in 2007.
  3. 3. The name of the company from the USA which was founded by Steve Jobs.
  4. 4. The name of the company which launched second generation (2G) cellular technology in Finland.
  5. 5. Nickname of the first mobile phone inventor.
  6. 9. Shorthand of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone.