Evolution Theory

  1. 4. blending in with your environment/adaption
  2. 6. species that are inherited to naturally survive in their adaption and can produce quicker offspring
  3. 9. ability to more likely to survive its environment and produce more offspring also other members of population
  4. 10. structures that were used anciently in evolution,but now useless
  5. 12. humans reproduce plants/animals by selected genes, creating new species
  6. 14. structures that have similar origins with other organisms
  7. 16. adaptive trait
  1. 1. physical features of an organism
  2. 2. basic material of evoulution
  3. 3. french artist who discovered evolution and the concept of biology with other special science terms
  4. 5. organisms moving from area to another,or position change
  5. 7. type of gene produce more offspring than others
  6. 8. structures that have similar species,from different evolutions
  7. 11. external resemblance of organisms
  8. 13. Darwin english naturalist and geologist known for evolutionary theory
  9. 15. change in environment over time
  10. 17. Genetic change due to natural selection
  11. 18. species adapting to their environment,to survive longer