Evolution/Natural Selection

  1. 8. ____-patric speciation where a species coexists but does not reproduce due to behavior or time
  2. 10. ___-patric speciation where two populations are separated physically by geographic barriers
  3. 11. change in allele frequencies of a population due to chance events
  4. 12. characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival
  5. 13. the "father" of evolution
  6. 14. an unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development; can be used to compare organisms
  7. 16. when the environment cannot sustain the amount of individuals; causes competition for resources and mates
  1. 1. diversity in gene frequencies for different traits which makes everyone different
  2. 2. the type of isolation that causes the inability of a species to breed successfully
  3. 3. the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism; sometimes preserved
  4. 4. disappearance of a species from all parts of its geographical range
  5. 5. the theory that organisms have grown and developed from past organisms over time
  6. 6. formation of new species from a common ancestor
  7. 7. when speciation occurs over long periods of time rather than by sudden major changes
  8. 9. the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change to survive
  9. 11. the transfer of alleles or genes from one population to another
  10. 15. ____ acids which form a protein; sequences can be used to compare species