Exam 2

  1. 1. formerly called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  2. 5. diagnostic test to determine cause of muscle weakness
  3. 6. as disease if left untreated can lead to serious arthritis and neurological symptoms
  4. 7. A boil
  5. 9. kills young adults more than other cancers
  6. 10. proliferation of WBC in the bone marrow
  7. 11. disease that causes 90% of all hyperthyroid cases
  1. 1. highly contagious bacterial infection involving the lungs
  2. 2. inflammation of lung parenchyma
  3. 3. derm condition that is associated with immune system
  4. 4. common sign is a productive cough and sputum is usually clear and yellowish
  5. 8. patients will complain of muscle aches and pain as well as arthritis or swelling of joints