  1. 4. Neurons that respond to many types of stimuli
  2. 5. Eight percent are red-green color blind
  3. 7. Neurons that respond best to visual details and color
  4. 9. Taste that comes from higher acidic foods
  5. 10. Neurons that respond best to moving stimuli
  6. 12. Self created
  7. 13. Small rounded projections on the tongue
  8. 14. Taste that comes from foods with stronger more earthy flavors
  9. 15. Have the largest amount of papillae near the tip of the tongue
  10. 16. Impaired ability to recognize or identify faces
  11. 17. A theory that we perceive color through the relative rates by three kinds of cones
  12. 22. The sense of smell
  13. 24. Theory that we perceive certain pitches when the entire basilar membrane vibrates
  14. 25. Expectation of harm actually causing feelings of pain and discomfort
  15. 26. Merkel's disks respond to light
  16. 30. The ability to respond in some way to visual information after extensive damage to area v1
  17. 33. Chemicals released by an animal that effect the behavior of the other members of the same species
  18. 34. Cells that are the auditory receptor cells
  19. 37. Decreased response to a stimulus as a result of recent exposure to it
  20. 39. Experience evoked by a harmful stimulus
  21. 41. Gives the eyes their color
  22. 42. The intensity of a sound wave
  23. 43. Nerves that project to the nucleus of the tractus solitarius in the medulla
  24. 44. Tympanic membrane
  25. 46. Cells of the tongue are taste receptors
  26. 49. Ganglion cells that only respond to one single cone allowing for precise vision
  27. 51. Rear surface of the eye
  28. 52. Blindness that impairs the ability to perceive the direction or speed of movement
  29. 53. The combination of taste and smell
  1. 1. Light enters it
  2. 2. Pathway which helps us determine where sounds originate in our enviornment
  3. 3. Not one sense, but many
  4. 5. Senses that include hearing, touch, pain, and vestibular sensation
  5. 6. Determined by the number of firing cells
  6. 8. Involved in peripheral and night vision
  7. 11. Reduce pain and increase itch
  8. 13. A structure of flesh and cartilage attached to the side of the head
  9. 16. Chemical that releases energy when struck by light
  10. 18. Cells in the eye that send inhibitory messages which stop the retina from sending messages to the brain that are unnecessary at a given moment
  11. 19. A response to tissue damage due to release of histamine
  12. 20. Pathway that helps us detect certain sounds
  13. 21. Mild pain causes the release of this neurotransmitter
  14. 23. Involved in visual acuity and color vision
  15. 27. The sense that detects the direction of the tilt and amount of acceleration of the head
  16. 28. A small area in the retina that aids in detailed vision processing
  17. 29. Adjusts in order to focus the pupil
  18. 31. Ballistic movement of the eyes from one fixation point to another
  19. 32. A protein substance that causes inflammation
  20. 35. Nonadjustable focuses pupil
  21. 36. cells Send messages to ganglion cells
  22. 38. An area of the skin connected to a particular spinal nerve
  23. 40. Perception of the frequency of a sound wave
  24. 45. Endings that respond to stretching skin
  25. 47. Contains three fluid filled tunnels
  26. 48. A theory that the cortex compares the responses from different parts of the retina to determine the brightness of color
  27. 50. Theory that the spinal cord receives messages from pain receptors, and input from touch receptors and from axons descending from the brain