EXAM 4: Children's Health

  1. 2. This type of cancer is associated with overproduction of white blood cells
  2. 3. The intake of this needs to be adjusted prior to exercise in Type 11 Diabetes
  3. 6. This activity can improve HmgA1C levels in Type 11 diabetics
  4. 8. Children with this condition tend to be social extroverts
  5. 12. Children with Downs Syndrome have this type of abnormality
  6. 13. Children with this condition have restrictive and repetitive behaviors
  7. 14. Nurses must make a report to this agency of suspected child abuse or neglect
  8. 15. Downs Syndrome is characterized by this type of crease in their palms
  9. 16. This type of therapy is used with medications and environmental manipulation to help children with ADHD
  10. 17. These are changes in the environment to help ADHD children be successful when taking exams
  1. 1. This cancer affects the kidneys.
  2. 4. This acronym is a means of understanding autism and its treatment
  3. 5. These cells located in the pancrease no longer make insulin in Type 1 Diabetes
  4. 7. The clotting factor commonly associated with hemophilia is what
  5. 9. Children with Downs Syndrome have these types of joints
  6. 10. This acronym guides therapeutic management of sickle cell crisis
  7. 11. This type of lymphoma has a single focal of origin