Exam 4 Part 2

  1. 4. This withdrawal will cause irritability
  2. 5. Thyroid hormone that decreased in Graves' disease
  3. 6. extremity after a snakebite to shunt away from the body core.
  4. 7. medication given to reverse opiate overdose
  5. 9. Vital sign important in monitoring opiate overdose
  6. 10. Skin color in Addison's disease
  7. 11. complication response when patient has had a heatstroke and has an increase in temperature
  8. 12. Insulin type that can peak 1-4 hours after administration.
  1. 1. Complication with patient with hyperparathyroidism
  2. 2. Expected outcome with a patient with hyperparathyroidism
  3. 3. This overdose will cause frantic, excited speech
  4. 8. Loss is a long-term consequence of untreated diabetes.