- 8. Private information becomes public
- 9. Tony Stark the dad does this in Endgame.
- 13. She created the Swansons
- 14. Coin-operated games played here
- 15. Costume play
- 17. Qualitative method: __ analysis
- 18. Theory about TV watching
- 20. He is still worthy!
- 21. Mother of all video games
- 22. Idea that promotes the progress of women
- 1. Method name for analyzing content
- 2. Feminist scholar Laura ___ (male gaze)
- 3. Console makers: Nintendo, Sony, and __
- 4. Research method: Asking people questions
- 5. What game developers write
- 6. Media theory: Spiral of ___
- 7. Type of video game such as Candy Crush
- 10. Type of feminism in "Parks and Rec"
- 11. McGrath's example of new masculinity
- 12. normative male ___
- 16. Real men aren't afraid to ask for ___
- 19. Streaming platform for digital games