  1. 3. Botak in English
  2. 5. Eleven plus three is...
  3. 6. Something in your mouth
  4. 9. Sarapan in English
  5. 10. 15 menit in ENglish (time)
  6. 11. I use it for writing on the book
  7. 13. I am tall and I have long neck (animal)
  8. 16. Jam berapa ini in English
  9. 17. ... take a shower at 04.00 PM
  10. 18. I have three (buku in English)
  1. 1. Today is Sunday. The day after tomorrow is...
  2. 2. It smells fragrance
  3. 4. We ... playing football
  4. 6. It looks like a snake (transportasion)
  5. 7. The girl's name of English class
  6. 8. The color of mushola's wall
  7. 12. Fourty one multiplied by two is...
  8. 14. Water fall from the sky
  9. 15. I live in the water
  10. 18. The color of your shoes
  11. 19. Number of the class in SD ANNISMAH