- 3. Botak in English
- 5. Eleven plus three is...
- 6. Something in your mouth
- 9. Sarapan in English
- 10. 15 menit in ENglish (time)
- 11. I use it for writing on the book
- 13. I am tall and I have long neck (animal)
- 16. Jam berapa ini in English
- 17. ... take a shower at 04.00 PM
- 18. I have three (buku in English)
- 1. Today is Sunday. The day after tomorrow is...
- 2. It smells fragrance
- 4. We ... playing football
- 6. It looks like a snake (transportasion)
- 7. The girl's name of English class
- 8. The color of mushola's wall
- 12. Fourty one multiplied by two is...
- 14. Water fall from the sky
- 15. I live in the water
- 18. The color of your shoes
- 19. Number of the class in SD ANNISMAH