exchange surfaces- gas exchange

  1. 3. what does the roots release if there is a water shortage meaning K+ moves out meaning water moves out of the guard cells, this closes the stoma so no water vapour can leave the leaf
  2. 5. what are the tips of the trachea filled with in insects that allows gases to dissolve and move into cells when exercising
  3. 9. exercise, external intercostals contract and pull ribs down, ribs in, external intercostals relax, volume in thorax low, diaphragm normal, pressure gradient causes air to flow out
  4. 10. these are the smallest branches of the trachea in insects and are never far from cells which keeps diffusion pathways short
  5. 15. smooth muscle, epithelial cells (ciliated), goblet cells, cartilage (humans)
  6. 17. what does the water move past after it has moved through the gills of the fish
  7. 21. smooth muscle, epithelial cells (non ciliated)(humans)
  8. 24. is this animals exchange surfaces are too large then they risk losing water, they have adapations to stop this happening
  9. 26. are stoma open or closed when there is an increase in K+ meaning water moves into the guard cells
  10. 27. similar to trachea but diminishes in length (humans)
  11. 31. what word is used to describe ventilation in humans (both ways)
  12. 34. what kind of system is needed for larger animals, even mice
  13. 35. what kind of gradient does the o2 from the water move down to the blood stream (fish)
  14. 37. what is the exoskeleton of an insect impermiable to as well as oxygen
  15. 38. ribs move out, external intercostals contract, high volume in thorax, diaphragm contracts, air moves in due to pressure gradient (humans)
  1. 1. what happens to the water surrounding cells in leaves that causes the water potential to be lower outside of the cell meaning the water moves out down the concentration gradient with the oxygen whilst co2 moves in
  2. 2. the stoma are this at night when photosynthesis is low and respiration is high
  3. 4. small openings in the exoskeleton of insects
  4. 6. smaller animals can rely on this for gas exchange as the distance is small
  5. 7. movable gill cover
  6. 8. these cells secrete mucus to trap pathogens (humans)
  7. 10. system of branched tubes in an insect that connect to the spiracles and are gas filled
  8. 11. if the surface area to volume ratio is high the organism is
  9. 12. what features around the spiracles that increases humidity maintaining the conc gradient (insects)
  10. 13. epithelial cells with collagen and elastin, capillaries near by, thin permeable walls- where gas exchange takes place (humans)
  11. 14. what does the trachea have which keeps the water potential high reducing the chance of evaporation in the insect
  12. 16. what kind of insects have muscles that pump air in and out of the trachea system, allowing for ventilation and mass transport of o2 and co2 to maintain the concentration gradient
  13. 18. the stoma are this during the day when photosynthesis is high and respiration is low
  14. 19. what helps to pump the gases along the trachea in insects
  15. 20. diffusion is directly proportional to SA x conc gradient/ distance for diffusion
  16. 22. what does moving the air in and out via breathimg movements do (ensures enough of this) to maintain the conc gradient (humans)
  17. 23. what happens to spiracles to reduce water loss
  18. 25. what is insects exoskeleton made out of
  19. 28. are stoma open or closed when there is an decrease of K+ so water moves out of the guard cells
  20. 29. what does raising the pharynx do to water (fish)
  21. 30. what kind of flow does the water and blood move in allowing for high (80%) saturation of oxygen in the blood(fish)
  22. 32. small holes in the underneath of the leaf that are opened and closed by guard cells
  23. 33. what do humans have that is high meaning they do lots of respiration requiring lots of oxygen
  24. 36. some fish open their mouths to allow water in but other lower this to lower the water potential so water moves in