Executive Branch Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Term for the president as architect of public policy and the one who sets the agenda for congress
  2. 3. All matters not directly connected with foreign affairs
  3. 5. The 43rd president of the united states
  4. 7. Term for the president as the leader of his or her political party
  5. 9. The 32nd president of the united states from 1933 to 1945
  6. 11. Was the 37th president of the united states during 1968
  7. 12. A term for the president as a monitor of the nations economic status
  8. 16. The 27th president of the united states from 1909 to 1913
  9. 22. The 36th president of the united states from 1963 to 1969
  10. 23. The 45th president of the united states
  11. 25. The 34th president of the united states
  12. 29. Someone with the executive branch powers
  13. 30. Term for the president commander of the armed forces
  14. 32. The 26th president of the united states
  15. 33. Term for the president as head of the administration of the federal government
  1. 1. The first president of the united states
  2. 4. The 40th president of the united states
  3. 6. The 28th president of the united states
  4. 8. A nations relationship with other countries
  5. 10. Allowed for the speaker of the house and then the president pro tempore of the senate as next in line for the presidency
  6. 13. The 9th president of the united states
  7. 14. The 44th president of the united states
  8. 15. The 33rd president of the united states
  9. 17. Term for the president as the representative of the people working for the public interest
  10. 18. The 42nd president of the united states
  11. 19. The youngest person ever elected president of the united states
  12. 20. Was the secretary of the treasury in george washingtons cabinet and died from a wound in a duel
  13. 21. The member of the united states senate or of the upper house of a states legislature chosen to preside in the absence of the president of the senate
  14. 24. Term for the president as the main architect of foreign policy
  15. 26. The 31st president of the united states
  16. 27. The 41st president of the united states
  17. 28. The ceremonial head of the united states
  18. 31. The 46th president of the united states