Executive Function Challenges

  1. 2. Kids do not have __________ over how much electrical impulses their brain releases
  2. 3. Kids with executive function challenges often have trouble paying
  3. 7. The brain will not _________ the electrical impulses if the kid is not interested
  4. 8. Kids with executive function challenges and ADHD often have a hard time firing up the _______ to do tasks
  5. 12. Working memory problems may affect how well she can follow ___________ and sequence tasks
  6. 13. Kids avoid the task just to avoid more disappointment or ________
  7. 16. Parents can connect with their children about hard assignments if they talk about their _________ in life
  8. 17. Nagging and __________ will prevent your child from doing the task
  9. 18. If a task isn’t highly interesting, it’s hard for kids with executive function challenges to get
  10. 20. Kids with executive function challenges and ADHD are not ________, they just have a hard time starting an assignment
  1. 1. It is important to _________ that the task is not interesting but it is important
  2. 4. Parents can help their kids by finding similarities in their assignment and their ___________
  3. 5. Knowing why your child has trouble starting certain tasks can help __________ frustration for both of you
  4. 6. Kids with both attention issues and dyslexia will have a hard time with a ______ assignment
  5. 9. Students try to _______ their work when they know it will give them a hard time
  6. 10. The brain uses electrical _________ to carry messages from one neuron to the next
  7. 11. Kids who also have learning differences avoid starting tasks because the tasks are
  8. 14. Low interest levels affect how the _______ works
  9. 15. working ______ problems can affect students ability to remember their homework while they are doing another activity
  10. 19. The electrical impulses help us to notice things, pay attention, and take __________