Exercise 2

  1. 3. the meal you have in the middle of the day
  2. 5. one of four equal(相等的) parts of something
  3. 8. to show how to do
  4. 13. go to bed
  5. 15. nice
  6. 17. the first meal of the day
  7. 18. nice
  1. 1. everyday
  2. 2. the meal served in the early part of the evening
  3. 4. the house or apartment where people live
  4. 6.
  5. 7. never stop
  6. 8. need to take a rest
  7. 9. to be cut into two
  8. 10. return
  9. 11. can be used to state time
  10. 12. face gets red
  11. 14. to draw
  12. 16. looks like a ball