Exercise Metabolism

  1. 4. Is only regulatory for glycolysis in the liver.
  2. 5. The ability to use ____ as fuel increases with training.
  3. 8. Harmful to the body as it decreases leptin sensitivity, causes the satiety signal to be lost, and can result in fatty liver. Found in processed foods.
  4. 9. Needed to feed the "flame" of fat catabolism.
  5. 10. Anabolic hormone that registers the amount of energy in the body.
  6. 11. Is a gut hormone that acts in response to feeding that reduces hunger and increases CNS sensitivity to leptin.
  7. 12. Keeps the TCA cycle spinning because it gives Acetyl CoA something to bind to.
  8. 14. May be used for energy in cases such as fasting, diabetes, or prolonged exercise longer than 90 minutes once OXA stores are depleted with no carbohydrate refueling.
  9. 16. Donor of phosphate to ADP in the ATP/PCr energy system.
  10. 17. The two purposes of this energy system are break down fatty acids and produce high energy reducing equivalents such as FADH2 and NADH +H.
  11. 20. Is the most important regulatory enzyme in Glycolysis.
  1. 1. The conversion of ______ to Acetyl CoA is the hub of all aerobic metabolism.
  2. 2. Has a higher concentration of glycogen than skeletal muscle.
  3. 3. Is the ultimate predictor of performance and can be increased with an increased intensity in workouts.
  4. 6. An increase in _______ as a supplement can allow an individual to shuttle in more fat and increase fat catabolism even at rest.
  5. 7. Is the major controller of glycogenolysis along with epinephrine as it is released with muscle contraction and activates phosphorylase directly.
  6. 13. Occurs when an amino radical is removed from alanine in the liver to be converted to glucose with the leftover carbon skeleton.
  7. 15. Has the highest satiety signal.
  8. 18. All energy can be transformed or converted to ATP _______.
  9. 19. Energy is related to the ability to perform _____.