Exercise N

  1. 2. You can drink it or eat it.
  2. 3. Ancient China is famous for it.
  3. 4. With a high temperature(温度).
  4. 6. Usually made from china(瓷料).
  5. 8. Made with coffee beans.
  6. 10. With a low temperature.
  7. 12. A sweet, hard food made from cacao(可可豆).
  8. 14. Some people like water; some like juice;some like coffee...
  9. 16. A metal(金属的) container to keep the contents fresh.
  10. 17. Eaten in south China. In north China people like to eat noodles.
  11. 18. A container(容器) made from glass.
  1. 1. A glass or plastic(塑料的) container.
  2. 2. Two pieces of bread with a piece of cheese or meat.
  3. 5. Made with fruits.
  4. 7. It's famous in western countries.In China we have 肉夹馍.
  5. 9. Its color is white.Babies love it.
  6. 11. Small lumps of dough with meat and vegetables inside.
  7. 12. Sweet, but don't drink too much, bad for you.
  8. 13. A common food made from flour(面粉), water, and yeast(酵母).
  9. 15. Fried potatoes.