Exercise, Nutrition, Hormones and Bone Tissue

  1. 6. This training is significant to slow down the eventual bone loss due to aging and for preventing osteoporosis
  2. 8. Is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphate from the digestive tract
  3. 10. Which intestine is also affected by PTH?
  4. 13. What does PTH stand for?
  5. 14. Calcium cannot be absorbed from the small intestine without ____
  6. 15. Plays a role in the structure of bone
  7. 17. Stimulates osteoclast proliferation and activity
  8. 18. Inhibits osteoclast activity and stimulates calcium uptake by the bones, thus reducing the concentration of calcium ions in the blood
  9. 19. Green leafy ____ are a good source of vitamin K
  1. 1. Is a disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass that occurs when the rate of bone resorption exceeds the rate of bone formation
  2. 2. Supports bone mineralization and may have a synergistic role with vitamin D
  3. 3. This system produces and secretes hormones, controlling bone growth, maintaining bone once it is formed, and remodeling it
  4. 4. This loss of bone mass is thought to be caused by the lack of this stress
  5. 5. Enters spaces within hydroxyapatite crystals, thus increasing their density
  6. 7. Is a critical component of bones
  7. 9. can interfere with the function of osteoblasts
  8. 11. A hormone secreted by the thyroid gland promotes osteoblastic activity and the synthesis of bone matrix
  9. 12. This gland controls bone growth which includes increasing the length of long bones, increasing calcium retention, which enhances mineralization, and stimulating osteoblastic activity
  10. 16. This disease makes new bone formed in an attempt to keep up with the resorption by the overactive osteoclasts
  11. 20. People who exercise regularly have ___ bones