Exercise Physiology

  1. 3. upper chamber of the heart
  2. 4. Node controls heart rate
  3. 5. circulation deoxygenated blood is carried from the heart to the lungs gets oxygen then pumped back to heart
  4. 6. drift gradual increase of heart rate over time during extended exercise
  5. 8. pressure force of blood exerted on arterial walls during heart contraction
  6. 10. circulation carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to body and vise versa
  7. 13. Arteries transports deoxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs
  8. 14. transports oxygenated blood to the body from the heart
  9. 15. reserve volume max volume of air that can be exhaled after normal expiration
  10. 17. pressure force of blood exerted on arterial walls during heart relaxation
  11. 18. volume Amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle of the heart in one contraction
  12. 21. Cavae transports deoxygenated blood to the body from the heart
  13. 23. Capacity Max volume of air that can be exhaled after max inhale
  14. 24. Node electric impulse for heart contraction
  15. 25. two max max amount of oxygen that a person can use while performing dynamic exercise
  16. 26. your body's ability to effectively control to regulate temperature of your body
  17. 27. nervous system
  1. 1. Ventilation air going from your lungs to the atmosphere and vise versa
  2. 2. prevents blood from flowing back to the atria
  3. 5. Veins transports oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs
  4. 7. volume remaining volume of air after max expiration
  5. 9. white blood cells
  6. 11. reserve volume volume max volume of air that can be inhaled after normal expiration
  7. 12. contraction of blood vessels which increases blood pressure
  8. 13. also called thrombocytes
  9. 16. fibers conduct impulses to regulate heart beat
  10. 19. Volume volume inhaled during normal inspiration
  11. 20. pumps blood from body to the lungs and vise versa
  12. 22. red blood cells
  13. 23. dilation of blood vessels which decreases blood pressure