Exercise Prescription - Chapter 4

  1. 2. a complex organelle composed of bundles of myofiliments
  2. 5. This fundamental training principle uses imagination and ingenuity to optimize training-induced adaptations and enhance exercise adherence
  3. 6. the motor neuron and muscle fibers it innervates are considered a single ________ _______ (two words)
  4. 7. this muscle action produces the highest contractile force
  5. 9. primary joint movers/muscles
  6. 11. _____ _____ external resistance: a type of training in which the weight lifted does not change during lifting (concentric) and lowering (eccentric) phase of an exercise (two words)
  7. 12. muscular assessments can either test maximal muscular strength, or more commonly, muscular _________
  8. 13. to enhance muscular fitness, the body must exercise at a level beyond that at which it is normally stressed. Typically manipulated by changing the exercise intensity, duration, or frequency.
  1. 1. high-glycolytic capacity, higher contractile force, and better for strength and power activities (common term; two words)
  2. 3. smaller or _____ _______ motor units, mostly Type I muscle fibers are recruited first (two words)
  3. 4. any muscular assessment should be _______ to the muscle groups being assessed, the velocity of movement, the joint range of motion, and the type of equipment available.
  4. 8. ___________ training: A specialized method of physical conditioning which involves the progressive use of wide range of resistive loads and a variety of training modalities designed to enhance muscular fitness
  5. 10. an increase in the number/quantity of muscle fibers