  1. 2. The country in Southeast Asia that does not have sea is …
  2. 3. The capital of Thailand is ….
  3. 5. ASEAN was established on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok, ….
  4. 9. The livelihoods of Singaporeans are mostly in … sector.
  5. 12. ASEAN is an organization consisting of countries in …
  6. 14. Science Olympics in Southeast Asia is cooperation in the field of …
  1. 1. The lowest point is located in the trench or sea trough of the Philippines is …. trench.
  2. 3. The majority of the religion in Cambodia is ….
  3. 4. The two countries in Southeast Asia that are archipelago are Indonesia and ….
  4. 6. A single market in the Southeast Asia region is called…
  5. 7. The most important river in Cambodia and Laos is … river.
  6. 8. Thanat Koman is the delegation in ASEAN establishment from …
  7. 10. ASEAN is located between two continents, Australia and …
  8. 11. Treaty on Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone/ SEANWFZ is cooperation in the field of …
  9. 13. The Syrian conflict caused other countries to cut off cooperation. Based on the case, the barrier for cooperation in the ASEAN region is …