
  1. 2. The what of the Lord was with them? (Acts 11:21)
  2. 4. Some of the men went to Antioch and spoke to only who? (Acts 11:19)
  3. 7. Where did Barnabas take Saul? (Acts 11:25)
  4. 9. How many people were added to the Lord? (2 words) (Acts 11:24)
  5. 11. How long did Saul and Barnabas remain in Antioch? (Acts 11:26)
  6. 12. What type of purpose where they supposed to remain faithful to the Lord? (Acts 11:23)
  7. 14. The disciples determined to send what to the brothers living in Judea? (Acts 11:29)
  8. 16. Christians scattered because of what that arose after Stephen was killed? (Acts 11:19)
  9. 18. The disciples were first called what at Antioch? (Acts 11:26)
  10. 19. He what them to remain faithful to the Lord? (Acts 11:23)
  1. 1. Who did they sent to Antioch? (Acts 11:22)
  2. 3. The report of what was happening went to the ears of the church where? (Acts 11:22)
  3. 5. Barnabas went to Tarsus to find whom? (Acts 11:25)
  4. 6. Whom did the men preach the Lord Jesus to in Acts 11:20?
  5. 8. Barnabas was full of what? (2 words)(Acts 11:24)
  6. 10. Who is known as the "son of encouragement?" (Acts 4:36)
  7. 13. Agabus told them there would be a great what over the land? (Acts 11:28)
  8. 15. A great number who heard them speak turned to whom? (Acts 11:21)
  9. 17. The donations were sent to whom by the hand of Barnabas and Saul? (Acts 11:30)