Exodus 13-18

  1. 3. Who told the sons of Israel what the white flakes were?
  2. 7. "The horse and its rider He has hurled into the ___." Exodus 15:1
  3. 11. Where were the waters bitter? At___
  4. 12. After they left Marah, they camped where?
  5. 13. The Lord will have war against Amalek from _____ to _____ (same word)
  6. 14. The children of Israel left Egypt in what month?
  7. 15. Who was Aaron's sister?
  8. 17. Jethro was the priest of what?
  9. 19. "The Lord is a _____, the Lord is His name." Exodus 15:3
  1. 1. Jethro asked Moses, "Why do you alone sit as _____?"
  2. 2. Every first offspring of a donkey, they were to redeem with what?
  3. 4. Where did Israel see the Egyptian dead? On the _____
  4. 5. What was the meat that the Lord provided in the evening?
  5. 6. The Lord also told Moses to tell the people to camp in front of where, opposite it, by the sea?
  6. 8. In the song of Moses and Israel, the chiefs of Edom were what?
  7. 9. After the sons of Israel left the wilderness of Sin, where did they camp?
  8. 10. Moses said to the sons of Israel in Exodus 14:14, "The Lord will fight for you while you keep ____."
  9. 14. Who came and fought against Israel at Rephidim?
  10. 16. What were they to do on the Sabbath day?
  11. 17. What did the sons of Israel name the bread?
  12. 18. Who did Moses tell to choose men and go out to fight against Amalek?