  1. 3. And you shall observe the Feast of ___,
  2. 4. Then Moses would put the veil on his ___ again,
  3. 6. Three times in the year all your men shall ___ before the Lord,
  4. 8. Let neither flocks nor herds ___ before that mountain.
  5. 9. And ___ yourself to Me there on the top of the mountain.
  6. 10. So when Aaron and all the children of Israel ___ Moses,
  7. 12. And Aaron and all the ___ of the congregation returned to him;
  8. 13. Now the Lord ___ in the cloud and stood with him there,
  1. 1. Now it was so, when Moses ___ down from Mount Sinai
  2. 2. So be ___ in the morning,
  3. 3. I will write on these tablets the ___ that were on the first tablets
  4. 5. Afterward all the children of Israel came ___,
  5. 7. And when Moses had ___ speaking with them,
  6. 9. And the Lord ___ before him and proclaimed,
  7. 11. So he ___ two tablets of stone like the first ones.