Exp French Review

  1. 2. _____, six, sept
  2. 7. "To sing" in French
  3. 8. A way to say "hello" or "goodbye"
  4. 9. "To draw" in French
  5. 10. _____, juin, juillet
  6. 13. Un, deux, _____
  7. 14. The capital of France
  8. 17. "Hunger" in French
  9. 18. A way to say "hello"
  10. 19. "To dance" in French
  11. 20. Currency used in France
  1. 1. "Happy" in French
  2. 3. "Thank you" in French
  3. 4. Janvier, février, _____
  4. 5. Vendredi, _____, dimanche
  5. 6. "To play sports" in French
  6. 11. The continent with the most French speakers
  7. 12. "Tired" in French
  8. 15. _____, mardi, mercredi
  9. 16. Dix-huit, dix-neuf, _____